Creeping Jeopardy x Defining Love

You know... I have become a cynic. I don't believe that love is all or nothing anymore. I used to believe that it was. But my heart has been broken once and I don't want to go through that hell again. Love is not all or nothing for me. Because love, love is never selfish. I've always wished for the kind of love that will always spare something for oneself. Love that will spare a little for one's own happiness. The love that will not demand for too much and the love that will make you feel at ease. Love is not supposed to stress you out constantly. It will worry you, yes, but it will never make you question your worth. Now, tell me. What kind of love do you want? I used to love fairytales. So much that I get a little too shallow at times. I just don't know why but I stopped believing in it now. I have turned into a realist and it sucks because sometimes it just becomes a blurry line between being realism and cynicism. I hope you realize that I was only trying...