"To you who gives more"

It could be exhausting, isn't it? To be the one who gives more, to be someone who puts more effort. No matter how much you convince yourself that it is fine because you are doing it out of love, it will come to a point when you would feel as though all of what you have done were for nothing. When you are stuck in that constant cycle, it will drain you. You will end up thinking that the world is really just full of bull. I was warned though. "You have to learn how to be alone." I thought that was too harsh for a young girl to hear that time. But now, it seems to be the realest advice I could use as an adult. I once read that giving will let you receive more and that it is the best feeling in the world. IT IS. But when giving means people taking you for granted, maybe it is time you reconsider that you are probably giving out way too much, there's nothing left for yourself. So, to you who gives more than you get, slow down. May the universe let you meet that per...