To you I have waited for, this is my goodbye

I could not believe that after years and years of waiting, I finally feel fine with the idea of not being with you. God knows how much I wanted to be with you. I was so sure that you were the one who would make me happy. I WAS. But I realized that I was just trying to force the idea of us being together. I have defied the universe to wait for you. I thought I could endure it. I have told myself millions of reasons to justify why we should be together. But you know what? We are not just meant to be. From the very beginning, we weren’t. I will take the blame for this. I was just too blind, I guess? Now, it has taken its toll on me. So here I am, finally seeing myself in a different light. I believe it is true – that nobody can wait forever. Oh God, do you have any idea how much I have fought against time? I mean, who am I? Who am I to do ...